What is a Wrecker Operator Lien?
A registration stop has been placed on this vehicle’s record and any other vehicle, mobile home or vessel owned by you or your business because of a tow truck operator’s unpaid towing bill. This means your registration (and license plate) for any vehicle, mobile home or vessel you own cannot be renewed until the bill is paid or the situation is corrected. This is allowed for in Florida Statutes sections 713.78(13), 713.785(8) and 320.03(8). This procedure is referred to as a Tow Truck Operator Lien. Another common way that a tow truck operator lien is placed upon you and your vehicle is that you “sold” your vehicle to someone who did not complete the transfer paperwork with a tax collector’s office in Florida; therefore, state records still reflect that you are the owner of the vehicle, mobile home or vessel.
To have a Tow Truck Operator Lien placed upon a vehicle the Tow Truck Operator attested that the vehicle was towed:
1) From a public road and
2) It was ordered to be towed by law enforcement.
All other tows are NOT eligible for tow truck operator liens. The tow truck operator and/or the law enforcement agency that authorized the tow can confirm these two facts.
If you have any further comments regarding this Florida Statute, please direct your comments to your local Florida State Senator or State Representative. Their names and addresses are located in the phone book and are available at www.leg.state.fl.us.
Appointments Required / Office Locations
Appointments are required for all transactions! Visit taxcollector.com to schedule an appointment for your Florida title transfer. We only serve Manatee County residents and businesses. Limit four transactions per appointment.
You have two options:
1. If the lien is valid, contact the towing company immediately to pay the bill (Tow Truck Operator Lien) and then return to our office or any tax collector’s office with section 1 & 3 completed on HSMV 82497 (Notice of Discharge) so that the registration stop can be lifted and your transaction processed. (The tow truck operator will provide you with the form.)
2. If you feel this registration stop has been placed on your vehicle in error, you have the following options:
A. If you sold the vehicle, provide our office with:
- A notarized bill of sale or a bill of sale with a perjury clause with a date prior to the tow; the lien will be removed and your transaction will then be processed.
- A dealer invoice with a date prior to the tow showing that the car was traded in or sold to a dealer.
B. Contest the tow as detailed in Florida Statutes 713.78(13)(c) and 713.785(8)(c) by paying an amount equal with the tow to the Clerk of the Court. Upon posting of the bond and the payment of the applicable fee, the clerk of the court shall issue a certificate notifying the department of the posting of the bond and directing the department to release the wrecker operator’s lien.
C. Consult a private attorney regarding the issue.
Manatee South County Tag Agency – extended hours and Saturday hours
The Manatee County Tag Agency processes registration and title transactions for vehicles, boats, and mobile homes as well as parking permits. This office does not offer driver license, hunting and fishing, or property tax services.
It offers extended hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday) and Saturday hours (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Appointments are available but are not required. To schedule an appointment, visit www.autotagagency.net.
First Manatee South County Tag Agency is located in Southwood Shoppes at 5756 14th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34207. Their phone number is (941) 782-6050.
Express Auto Tags North River is located at 4333 US-301, Ellenton, FL 34222. Their phone number is (941) 623-9196
These offices accept cash, check, debit and credit cards. A fee will be charged on all check transactions top guarantee funds and on all debit/credit card transactions as a processing fee. Additional processing fees apply. Please contact Manatee County Tag Agency for more information.
The Manatee County Tag Agency is a privately owned office operating under the authority granted by the Manatee County Tax Collector’s Office.
Non-Manatee County residents
Not a Manatee County resident? Out-of-county residents can only be served at the Manatee County Tag Agency. See the section above for more details regarding the Manatee County Tag Agency. Otherwise, you will need to visit your home county tax collector’s office.