Customers will be charged a $6.25 Tax Collector service fee for information and processing, and additional transaction fees may apply. Visit to schedule your appointment. Services are for Manatee County residents and businesses only.
If your license is suspended or revoked, we urge you not to drive to or from our office, as you may be ticketed or arrested by law enforcement if caught driving. (There are no exceptions or allowances in Florida Statutes [the law] that would allow a person to drive to a tax collector or driver license office on a suspended or revoked license.)
Prior to mailing vehicle renewal notices to customers, Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL) insurance coverage is verified through the insurance database. PIP and PDL is also verified after the issuance of any license plate (original or renewal). If Florida insurance is not on file for your vehicle at that time, a Financial Responsibility suspension will be applied to your driver license record.
This type of suspension affects your driver license and any plates/registrations in your name and remains in effect for three years from the original suspension date or until compliance for reinstatement as indicated below.
Step 1. Save a Trip – You Might NOT Have to Visit Our Office
Received a letter from the FLHSMV?
Follow the FLHSMV’s Wizard for clearance information!
Need to contact the FLHSMV by phone or email?
The FLHSMV customer service center can provide you with clearance information. They can be reached by phone at 850.617.2000 OR email at
Need to reinstate? Many suspensions can be reinstated online - or scan the QR code to access the site.
Reinstating for a business? All options listed above apply for businesses as well. Reinstatement in-office is not immediate and will involve us contacting the state on behalf of the business. For quicker, more direct service, go online or contact the FLHSMV with the contact information above. If visiting the office to reinstate, be sure to have your letter from the FLHSMV or registration paperwork to indicate what vehicle your suspension relates to. This documentation is required for all in-office business reinstatements. Note: Only 4 suspensions may be cleared per appointment.
Step 2. Obtain Clearance Documentation
You must obtain clearance documents based on your unique circumstances:
Option 1: There WAS insurance on the vehicle
If there was PIP/PDL coverage for the specific vehicle that covered the suspension date, proof of this must be presented. The proof of Florida insurance may be a card, policy or binder, provided it lists PIP/PDL coverage and lists the VIN for the specific vehicle. If the Florida insurance was already submitted and was denied, a letter from the insurance company (on the insurance company’s letterhead) must be presented and must include:
- Insurance company/agent contact info, insurance company name, policy number, policy period, insurance company code, vehicle insured (including the VIN number), level of coverage (including PIP/PDL) and name of insured OR
- Florida insurance for another policy/company must be presented that was in effect prior to the suspension date.
Option 2: There was NO insurance on the vehicle
You have two options for how to proceed:
If there was no PIP/PDL coverage on the specific vehicle or the insurance did not cover the suspension date, you can present proof of Florida PIP/PDL for the specific vehicle and in effect now. The proof of Florida insurance may be a card, policy, or binder, provided it lists PIP/PDL coverage and lists the VIN for the specific vehicle. If the Florida insurance was already submitted and was denied, a letter from the insurance company (on the insurance company’s letterhead) must be presented and must include:
- Insurance company/agent contact info, insurance company name, policy number, policy period, insurance company code, vehicle insured (including the VIN number), level of coverage (including PIP/PDL) and name of insured OR
- Florida insurance for another policy/company must be presented.
If you do not want to purchase Florida insurance now and you cannot prove that the vehicle was insured prior to the suspension date, you can surrender the plate/registration for the specific vehicle in question (subject to verification).
Option 3: You no longer own the vehicle or it was disposed of
If you cannot prove that the vehicle was insured prior to the suspension date and you no longer own the vehicle, you must provide a Bill of Sale to prove non-ownership of the vehicle for which you received the suspension (subject to verification).
Option 4: You waited out the 3-year suspension period
Provided it has been 3 years + 1 day since the original suspension date, your license may be reinstated with no additional documentation, provided no other issues are on file making your record otherwise ineligible for reinstatement.
Step 3. Reinstate Your Driver License Record

All documents will be scanned and are subject to verification.
Step 4. Acceptable Methods of Payment and Estimated Fees
Our office accepts cash, check, debit cards, and credit cards. A $2.50 processing fee for debit cards and a 2.5% processing fee (minimum of $2.50) for credit cards will apply. Our office does not retain any portion of this fee.
Estimate of fees* for your reinstatement:
Service Fee $6.25
Compliance Prior to Suspension $0.00
Waited Out Suspension $0.00
Reinstatement fee (based on previous suspensions):
- $150.00 (1st suspension)
- $250.00 (2nd suspension within 3 years from 1st reinstatement date)
- $500.00 (3rd suspension within 3 years from 1st reinstatement date)
*Fees listed above only apply to reinstatements processed at the Driver License Branch. Online fees may differ slightly.
**Other related reinstatement or issuance fees may apply.
Is your license currently suspended, revoked and/or cancelled? If your driver license is suspended, revoked and/or cancelled, driving any type of vehicle may result in:
- ARREST by law enforcement
- TOWING of your vehicle
We urge you to respect the law and make arrangements other than driving a vehicle to avoid the unfortunate events above. A free public phone and computer are provided in the lobby to call for a ride from our office or to access the Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) website.
Note: A minor child operating a motor vehicle with a learner license must be accompanied by another adult with a valid license (non-suspended).
How can you get your license back once it's reinstated? If your license was retained by one of our branches due to a suspension, revocation and/or cancellation, you may be able to have it returned for no additional fee once it has been reinstated. Licenses retained by our office are only kept for a short period of time before they are destroyed.
If you are interested in getting your license back, you must do the following within 1-2 days after your license was retained.
- Return to the branch that retained your license.
- Print the screen from that shows your license is “VALID” that day.
- Provide the screen print to the receptionist.
If your license has been destroyed or you opt to purchase a replacement license at the time you reinstate your driving privilege, you would be subject to the $31.25 replacement fee.

An Online Application is REQUIRED for all transactions! To complete your driver license or ID card transaction at one of our branches, you must complete the Online Driver License & ID Card Application ( – or scan the QR code to access the application – prior to your appointment. Do not print the application; an associate will access your electronic submission during your appointment. Applications are valid for 90 days.
Not a Manatee County Resident? Our offices are open by appointment only for Manatee County residents/businesses only. All out-of-county residents must visit their home county for information and processing. To find a location, visit