Do you have an Emergency Contact on record with the DHSMV?
How to Register your Emergency Contact Information
There are three ways in which you can provide this information:
1. Create an account online – or scan the QR code on the right to access the website. Here you are given the option of recording information for up to 2 emergency contacts. | |
2. When processing a Driver’s License or ID Card transaction at one of our office locations, you can voluntarily complete the Emergency Contact Information section of our Online Driver License/ID Card Application. Scan the QR code on the right to access the application. |
Tiff's Initiative
TIFF's Initiative (To Inform Families First) is a non-profit organization that promotes emergency contact registration. It was created by Christine Olsen after her daughter was fatally injured in a traffic accident in 2005. Since there was no emergency contact system in place at the time, Christine was not informed of her daughter’s passing for several hours. |
As a result, the Florida Emergency Contact Information System was established through a collaborative effort between Christine, Representative Bill Galvano and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The information within this database is provided voluntarily by the public and is used exclusively by law enforcement to contact family members and loved ones in the event a motorist is severely injured or killed in a traffic accident. For more information, visit the TIFF's Initiative website.