Customers will be charged a $6.25 Tax Collector service fee for information and processing, and additional transaction fees may apply. Visit to schedule your appointment. Services are for Manatee County residents and businesses only.
Our records indicate that you have unresolved suspension(s) and/or revocation(s) in another state(s). If you are unsure of the state(s) in question, our office can provide this information to you. Your Florida driver license cannot be issued until you have resolved the issue(s) in question.
You have two options:
After resolving the issues with the state(s) in question and paying any applicable fees to them, the state can elect to electronically clear the sanction(s). If they choose this option, we would not need a letter of clearance. However, your driving privilege must be returned to an “eligible status” in our records before we could issue your Florida driver license. In many cases, this process is not instantaneous and it can take up to 48 hours to update. Please verify this information with the state when you contact them. Do not call our office to inquire on your status, as we will not provide this information over the phone. If you are unsure of the status, you must call the state(s) in question or return in person to our office.
After resolving the issues with the state(s) in question and paying any applicable fees to them, the state can elect to mail, fax or e-mail letter(s) of clearance to you. If they choose this option, you must provide the letter(s) of clearance to our office. The letter(s) must contain your full name, the citation number(s) and specifically indicate that the issues are resolved and your driving privilege has been reinstated in that state.
Note: If you hold a Commercial Driver License (CDL), this option is not available to you. The state(s) in question, must comply with option #1 above.
Acceptable Methods of Payment and Estimated Fees
Estimate of fees to reinstate*:
Service Fee...........................................................................................$6.25
Reinstatement Fee............................................................................$0.00
Driver License (original/renewal).................................................$48.00
Driver License (replacement).........................................................$25.00
Commercial Driver License (original/renewal)........................$75.00
Commercial Driver License (replacement)................................$25.00
Endorsements......................................................................................$7.00 (each)
Late Fee..................................................................................................$15.00
*Fees listed above only apply to reinstating your Florida record; this does not apply to what may be owed in other states.
**Other related reinstatement or issuance fees may apply.
Additional Information
Check the status of your Florida license at!
An Online Application is REQUIRED for all transactions! To complete your driver license or ID card transaction at one of our branches, you must complete the Online Driver License & ID Card Application ( – or scan the QR code to access the application – prior to your appointment. Do not print the application; an associate will access your electronic submission during your appointment. Applications are valid for 90 days.