Specialized Transactions
For a complete list of all specialized transactions and instructions, view our specialized transactions: what you need to know publication.
In addition to those transactions, any title/registration transaction being requested by one of the following entities is considered "specialized":
- Attorneys and Title Companies
- Dealers
- Government Agencies
As we continually strive to improve our customer service, we have implemented ways for specialized transactions to be processed. The options below provide you with the flexibility to meet your needs and avoid wait times in our lobbies.
OPTION #1 – Visit the Manatee County Tag Agency
Transactions can be processed as a walk-in (some restrictions apply) or can be dropped off.
- Drop-off work will be processed within a 1-business day turnaround.
- This office accepts cash, check, debit, and credit. A fee will be charged on all check transactions to guarantee funds and on all debit/credit card transactions as a processing fee. Additional processing fees apply.
Processing requirements may differ from the Manatee County Tax Collector’s office. For requirements for the Manatee County Tag Agency, contact that agency at the phone number listed above. To schedule an appointment, visit autotagagency.net.
OPTION #2 – Drop Off Title Work and/or Registrations in the Express Lockers
Only Manatee County residents and businesses can drop off work using the Express Lockers. Non-Manatee County residents and businesses must visit the First Manatee South County Tag Agency or another county’s tax collector office for processing.
Drop Off Requirements:
View our Express Lockers video for instructions on dropping off and picking up your work.
Step #1 - Complete Control Sheet & Payment
- A signed Control Sheet and a copy of the applicant’s valid, unexpired driver license/ID card must be submitted with the drop off work.
Note: Ensure you complete the Contact Information section legibly. The contact information provided will receive all notifications and communications from our office regarding transactions submitted through the Express Lockers.
- Submit one form of payment below:
- Submit 1 check (for each control sheet submitted) made payable to Ken Burton, Jr., Tax Collector (no cash accepted) with the amount blank, or
- Submit a Credit Card Authorization Form (for each control sheet submitted). A 2.5% processing fee (minimum of $2.50) for debit/credit cards will apply. Our office does not retain any portion of this fee. This form must be printed and submitted with the drop off work.
- It is preferred that the control sheet, drop off work, and payment be placed in an envelope or folder when dropped off at the Express Lockers.
Step #2 - Access the Express Lockers
- The Express Lockers are located in the drive-thru of our West Manatee Branch. When facing the front of the building, the drive-thru will be on the left. The Express Lockers are blue in color.
- Touch the screen located on the right end of the Express Lockers to activate the prompts.
- Select "Begin Drop Off", then "Begin Drop Off" again.
Enter your Contact Email.
Note: If dropping off work for the first time, enter dealer@taxcollector.com as the email - when picking up or dropping off work in the future your Contact Email provided on the control sheet will be utilized. A welcome email will be sent once your account is created within the Express Lockers. - Save your image as required.
- Select the locker size needed (small is generally used) and place your documents within after the locker opens. Ensure to close the locker securely. Select exit on the screen. You're done!
Processing Time:
Most transactions are completed and available for pickup within 3 business days* (not including the day the work is dropped off and holidays). You will receive an email/text notification when the work is ready for pickup at the Express Lockers.
Any rejected work will be returned with a checklist detailing the reason for rejection. Work that is resubmitted after corrections have been made is still subject to the 3-business day turnaround.
Examples of turnaround times:
- Work dropped off on Monday will be ready for pickup on Thursday (3 business days).
- Work dropped off on Friday will be ready for pickup on Wednesday (3 business days).
Helpful Links:
Applications for Certificate of Title -
- Motor Vehicle (82040 MV) - https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/82040-mv.pdf
- Mobile Home (82040 MH) - https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/82040-mh.pdf
- Boat (82040 VS) - https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/82040-vs.pdf
- FLHSMV DMV Procedures - https://www.flhsmv.gov/motor-vehicles-tags-titles/motor-vehicle-procedure-manual/
- Motor Vehicle Forms - https://www.flhsmv.gov/resources/forms/